Everything related to your salary
Here you will find everything related to your salary such as employment contract, collective bargaining agreement, holiday and OB supplement.
If your employer has a collective bargaining agreement, there are minimum wages. You may not earn less than that, but to earn more than minimum wages is fine! The minimum wages differ somewhat between different profession groups and depending on how long your experience is.
Through the collective bargaining agreements that we negotiate, the salary is increased every year in April. The more members we get, the stronger we become and can negotiate better terms than before.
Here are presented the minimum wages in the most common collective agreements in our industry, Gröna Riksavtalet and the Hängavtalet Visita. Keep in mind that there are more agreements in addition to these.
There are more things that affect your wage
If you work during inconvenient working hours, such as evenings, nights and weekends, you can expect to receive an extra supplement on top of your basic salary. OB supplements may vary depending on industry, company policy and local agreements.
Vacation also affect your salary, but in a different way. During the vacation, you usually get to keep your basic salary, but you also get vacation pay. This is usually a percentage of your salary and aims to cover the costs incurred during the vacation when you are not working. How much vacation pay you receive and how it is calculated can vary between different agreements and workplaces.